Apples, bandstands, beach huts, black dogs, breweries, bricks, cakes, causeways, chalk horses, cheese rolling, cider, cooling towers, curbstones, dances, dialect, dry stone walls, fens, fire festivals, foxes, gargoyles, geology, ghosts, heaths, heronries, ice houses, jet, lagoons, maypoles, mazes, moats, nightingales, peat, pies, primrose banks, quicksand, rhubarb, sheep, spoil heaps, terraced houses, topiary, weather, windmills, zawns…
England is a land of extraordinary variety, rich in buildings, landscapes, peoples and wildlife. But this diversity is under siege. Mass production, fashion, increased mobility and the forceful promotion of corporate identity have brought with them standardised shop fronts, farm buildings, factories, forests and front doors, while intensive farming has created a bland, empty countryside. England in Particular is a counterblast against loss and uniformity, and a celebration of just some of the distinctive details that cumulatively make England.
Journey through the England in Particular website:
Local Distinctiveness
Revive, preserve & celebrate
England in Particular
Oppose cultural uniformity
Places and People
An essay about making Parish Maps
Local Distinctiveness Rules
Champion the familiar
Local Distinctiveness
Local Distinctiveness campaign art
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A Collection of Nature Poems
£10.00 -
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Local Distinctiveness (Landscape)
£6.00 -
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Manifesto for Fields
£3.50 -
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England in Particular